A Secret Room of Plants, 2009. Oil on Canvas, 194 x 254 cm
Revealing Mouth, 2010. Oil on Canvas, 226 x 546 cm ( 3 Panels, 226 x 182 cm each )
Your Left Side, 2010, Acrylic on Canvas, 80.3 x 116.8 cm
If You were Me, 2010. Acrylic on Canvas, 8-.3 x 116.8 cm
The Cycle of Violence 폭력의 순환, 2008. Oil on Canvas, 130.3 x 193.9 cm
The Red Brick House 붉은 벽돌집, 2008. Oil on Canvas, 130.3 x 193.9 cm
They Don't Know How to Discharge 그들은 배출하는 방법을 모른다, 2008. Oil on Canvas, 130.3 x 193.9 cm
Their World is Simple 그것들의 세계는 단순하다, 2008. Oil on Canvas, 130.3 x 193.9 cm
Sound, Released from Its Boundaries 경계가 없어진 소리, 2008. Oil on Canvas, 130.3 x 193.9 cm
Look at the Microscopic and Enormous World They Perceive! 그들이 인지하는 미시적이고 거대한 세계를 보세요! , 2008. Oil on Canvas, 62 x 147 cm
The Obligations of a Witness 목격자의 의무, 2008. Mixed Media
Animation for A Secret Room of Plants, 2008. Oil on Canvas, 182 x 212 cm (16 panels, 45.5 x 53 cm each )
Resistance Line 저지선, 2009. Acrylic on Canvas, 130 x 106 cm ( four panels, 65 x 53 cm each )
Brick House, 2010. Acrylic on Canvas, 130 x 106 cm ( four panels, 65 x 53 cm each )
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